You could call him the Steven Spielberg of the internet.

With over 100 employees and 50,000 square feet, he's actually the combination of Spielberg and Paramount. I don't think there's been this kind of convergence of production and talent since Desilu.

He combines the theatric stunts of a David Blaine, the comedy of Joe Rogan, and the charity of... man, I don't know who's really a baller in charity.  Certainly no one this creative.

And now he's expanding the bounds of company culture by basically buying up a town for his employees to live there.  

I love this. Especially coming from Zappos where our CEO Tony Hshieh was always looking to re-create college - the work/live/playground space.  

And of course, he's getting crap for it.  Why?  Because only the losers punch down.